Gustavo Luís
ESPM São Paulo, Brazil Bachelor in Information Systems Jan 2018 – Dec 2021
Undergraduate Research Assistant June 2020 – Present Texas A&M University College Station, TX Developed a REST API using FastAPI and PostgreSQL to store data from learning management systems
Developed a full-stack web application using Flask, React, PostgreSQL and Docker to analyze GitHub data
Explored ways to visualize GitHub collaboration in a classroom setting
Gitlytics | Python, Flask, React, PostgreSQL, Docker June 2020 – Present Developed a full-stack web application using with Flask serving a REST API with React as the frontend
Implemented GitHub OAuth to get data from user’s repositories
Visualized GitHub data to show collaboration
Used Celery and Redis for asynchronous tasks
Technical Skills
Languages: Typescript, Python, C/C++,
SQL (Postgres), JavaScript, HTML/CSS, R
Frameworks: React, Node.js, Flask, JUnit,
WordPress, Material-UI, FastAPI
Developer Tools: Git, Docker, TravisCI, Google
Cloud Platform, VS Code, Visual Studio, PyCharm, IntelliJ,
Libraries: pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib